Assistant Professor of
Political Science
University of California,
My research examines how immigrants are incorporated into the economic, political, and social life of their new countries through two complementary questions. First, how are immigrant outcomes shaped by policies and institutions? My findings from this strand of research suggest that structural and cultural assimilation need not go hand-in-hand: economic and political participation are in fact promoted by institutions accommodating cultural diversity, and policies promoting access to participation can allow for cultural maintenance. The second question asks, how do native-born populations respond to immigrant political incorporation? My research documents exclusionary responses from violence to political mobilization, but it also shows that these responses are in fact short lived. My work engages literatures across political science, sociology, and economics, and applies experimental and observational causal inference methods to large-scale administrative, media, and survey data. I have developed and I teach classes related to Latino politics and to immigration at the undergraduate level, and on observational causal inference methods at the graduate level. I hold a Bachelor's and a Master's in Economics from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, and a PhD in Political Science from New York University. Prior to arriving at Berkeley, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania.
'Turn On, Tune In, Turn Out: Ethnic Radio and Immigrants’ Political Engagement' American Journal of Political Science, 2024.
'Voted In, Standing Out: Public Response to Immigrants' Political Accession', with Guy Grossman. American Journal of Political Science, 2024.
'Conditional Enfranchisement: How Partisanship Determines Support for Noncitizen Voting Rights', with Hannah Alarian. American Political Science Review, 2024.
'Turnout Turnaround: Ethnic Minority Victories Mobilize White Voters', with Guy Grossman. American Political Science Review, 2023.
'Locked Down, Lashing Out: COVID-19 Effects on Asian Hate Crimes in Italy', with Gemma Dipoppa and Guy Grossman. Journal of Politics, 2023.
'Basking in Their Glory? Expressive Partisanship among People of Color Before and After the 2020 US Election', with Rahsaan Maxwell and Efrén Pérez. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2022.
'Taking Part without Blending In: Legalization Policies and the Integration of Immigrants' (Working Draft)
'Immigrant Narratives Promote Inclusionary Attitudes Toward Immigration in a Middle-Income Country', with Antonella Bandiera, Mateo Vásquez-Cortés and Abraham Aldama. (Working Draft)
'Calculation and Conscience: Motivations for the Substantive Representation of Ethnic Minorities', with Apurav Bhatiya, William Dinneen and Guy Grossman. (Working Draft)
'The Hidden Costs of Hiding: Immigration Policies and Health Care Utilization', with Fernanda Márquez-Padilla
'Spillover Effects in Experimental Data', with P Aronow, Dean Eckles and Cyrus Samii. In J. Druckman and D. Green, eds. Advances in Experimental Political Science. Cambridge University Press. (arxiv)
interference: An R package for designed-based estimation of spillover effects. With Peter Aronow and Cyrus Samii. (Github)